b'Weighted2018 AverageGross Gross Estimated TaxAmortized Unrealized Unrealized Fair EquivalentCost Gains Losses Value YieldAvailable for sale:U.S. Government agenciesand corporationsWithin one year $ 500,000 $ - $ 5,162 $ 494,838 1.45 %After 1 but within 5 years650,000-18,693631,307 1.50$1,150,000 $-$ 23,855 $1,126,145 1.48 %Corporate BondsAfter 1 but within 5 years $1,305,528 $ 12,207 $ 19,247 $1,298,488 3.40 %After 5 but within 10 years732,142 -3 2,540699,602 2.82$2,037,670 $ 12,207 $ 51,787 $1,998,090 3.19 %States and political subdivisionsAfter 1 but within 5 years $3,850,867 $ 23,877 $ 12,630 $3,862,114 2.84 %After 5 but within 10 years 15,668,48248,412331,332 15,385,562 2.77Over 10 years 17,600,03261,216373,186 17,288,062 2.62$37,119,381 $ 133,505 $ 717,148 $36,535,738 2.70 %Mortgage backed securities:Government issued or guaranteed $5,836,312 $ 5,142 $ 180,466 $5,660,988 2.13 %Collateralized mortgage obligations:Government issued or guaranteed $13,415,029 $ 16,921 $ 320,158 $13,111,792 2.40 %Privately issued21,542-4,41917,123 0.99$13,436,571 $ 16,921 $ 324,577 $13,128,915 2.40 %Small business obligations:Government issued or guaranteed $5,639,727 $ 16,453 $ 128,920 $5,527,260 2.50 %Total securities available for sale $65,219,661 $ 184,228 $1,426,753 $63,977,136 2.57 %Restricted:Federal Home Loan Bank stock $1,340,400 6.72 %The market value of securities pledged to secure public deposits and for other purposes as required or permitted by law totaled $20,543,503 at December 31, 2019, and $19,631,731 at December 31, 2018.Proceeds from sales of securities available for sale (excluding maturities and calls) for the years ended December 31, 2019 and 2018 were $23,713,382 and $3,269,294, respectively.Gross gains and (losses) of $417,784 and $(6,012) in 2019 and $19,482 and $(750) in 2018 were realized on the respective sales.Gross gains (losses) of $1,665 and $(0) and $0 and $(0) were realized on called securities during 2019 and 2018, respectively.The following tables show our investments gross unrealized losses and fair value, aggregated by investment category and length of time that individual securities have been in a continuous unrealized loss position, at December 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively.14'