b'Valley Healths DiabetesAffordable Education Program Re- Care Act accredited Through 2024 Enrollment We are excited to share that our Diabetes Education program has been re- Assistanceaccredited by the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) through September 2024!Our diabetes education program is a patient-centered program in which primary care providers refer patients with diabetes to our team of CertifiedWith the open enrollment Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (CDCES) to receive education,period beginning November coaching support, and other tools throughout each stage of their diabetic1 for health insurance journey.coverage through the Health In order to receive accreditation, our program had to meet 10 standards forInsurance Marketplace, Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (which are revised everynow is the time to begin 5 years by a group of diabetes educators representing both ADCES and thethinking about whether American Diabetes Association and approved by the Centers for Medicareyoud like to apply or not. and Medicaid Services) and must maintain compliance with the StandardsThe enrollment period runs during the 4-year accreditation cycle. To become a Certified Diabetesthrough December 15 with Care and Education Specialists, our providers had to demonstrate theirhealth insurance coverage knowledge and skill in diabetes self-management education by providingbeginning January 21, at least 1,000 hours of patient education, passing a rigorous exam, and2021.maintaining this credential in the healthcare industry.In need of assistance To learn more about our Diabetes Education program visit https:// applying for insurance valleyhealth.org/service/specialized-health-programs/.through the Health Insurance Marketplace? Here at Valley Health, we have an experienced Valley Health Requestingmarketplace assister on staff to guide you through Water Donations for Bealethe enrollment process as well as answer any questions you may have!Elementary School To schedule an appointment Beale Elementary School in Gallipolis Ferry is currently requesting donationstoday or for questions of small, 8oz water bottles for their students. For student safety, theirplease call 304-781-school water fountains have been shut off this year and theyre planning5166 or email assisters@on providing reusable and disposable water bottles for their students in itsvalleyhealth.org. Walk-ins place. are also welcome M-F from 8:30 am - 5 pm at our Valley Valley Health is pleased to help the staff at Beale Elementary and will beHealth-Pea Ridge Business collecting water bottle donations throughout the month of September.Center location. Donations of 8oz water bottles can be dropped off to Jess Staples at our Pea Ridge location, taken directly to Beale Elementary School Monday - Friday from 8 am - 3 pm, or shipped to the school at 12897 Huntington Road, Gallipolis Ferry, WV 25515. We appreciate your help!For more information contact Jess Staples at
[email protected]'