NAME ___________________________________ SPOUSE’S NAME _________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________ _________________________________________ CITY ____________________STATE __________ ZIP _____________ PHONE _______________ EMAIL ___________________________________ How do you wish your name to appear when acknowledging your donation? _________________________________________ You may support all four components of The Herd Rises campaign or choose the initiative you prefer: q Please designate my gift to support all areas of the Herd Rises campaign: Baseball Stadium, Gullickson Hall improvements, Endowed Scholarship program and Hal Greer Statue. q Please designate my gift to exclusively go to ___________________________________. q I am interested in a naming opportunity. q I would like a personal visit from someone with the Big Green to discuss my gift. q For those who itemize their taxes, you may check the box to decline Priority Points. Marshall University Big Green Scholarship Foundation | P.O. Box 1360 | Huntington, WV 25715 [email protected] | | (304) 696-4661 Make checks payable to: Big Green Scholarship Foundation. Please notate The Herd Rises on the memo line. West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from The Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charles- ton, WV 25303. Registration does not imply endorsement. THANK YOU FOR MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN THE LIVES OF OUR STUDENT-ATHLETES. I want to join The Herd Rises and will pledge/gift: Pledge information: q $25,000 q $5,000 q 1,000 q Other _____________ q Contact me, my employer may match my gift or pledge_____________ Billing information: q Check enclosed q One-time gift I want to pay my pledge: q Monthly q Quarterly q Annually ___ 5th or ___ 20th of the month Over this time period: q 1 year q 5 years q Other _________ Payment information: Card # _______________________________ Exp ___ / ___ CVV ______ Signature ____________________________ q q q q Please contact your tax advisor to determine if your gift is tax deductible.